ok so this my second time trying this blog thing, the last one got erased in a freak gasoline accident, except not but it sounded cooler than me being a retard and loosing it.
if i were talking to anyone else on msn but jeb i think i would just give up at this, but i think she would kill me if i didnt at least do one blog tonight.
so today was kinda just a normal day, i was super tired at work till i started working with ronda, that was really fun, we played catch with a little pink ball and im really crappy at catching!
I decided to do my research paper on Rage Against the Machine! how cool is that, research is going to be hard to find though, oh well it will be so worth it!
anyone out there who is bored enough to still be reading this should comment me on my boring life
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3 years ago
If this is the only way I'm gonna get to talk to you for now, then so be it. I just really miss you. Every single time I go shopping for food up here, I get homesick because Broulim's is so much like Days. And then I see baggers and I think of you. So yeah, if you get this, please respond.
yay blogging. why is it that everyone thinks I'm like the supreme blog nazi? lol. there's a general agreement on the fact though, oh well i guess. days seems like a kind of fun job.
Jeb, maybe it's because you are a blog nazi. i'm doing my report on "Smashing Pumpkins and their influence on modern music" which will also be quite find to find stuff on.
dear tyler. i'm glad you joined the blogging family. :) i like that you work at days, that way i can come to the dairy section and surprise you through the yogurt! haha. woot.
tyler! welcome to our blogging community my dear! lol i heart you! and fyi jeb is not as big a blog nazi as hannah...hannah and britta are the worst....ever. lol days...? silly.
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