ok so now i know why everyone makes a big deal about your junior prom. last night was seriously the best night of my life.
but for the sake of telling the story, i will start at the very
ok, my day started at 6:30 in the morning. it
didnt have to start until 8:00.....but i was kinda really excited and
couldnt sleep, at all. At 8:00 i got up and got ready,
scott came over 30 minutes later, and we played guitar hero
hahaha. we picked up
aubrey and
alex at 9, and made it back to my house by 9:30 for a spectacular breakfast that my mom made for us.
thats all i can say to it. (you can start drooling now) we had muffins, and creeps, and lots of fruit, sausage, and really good orange juice. afterwards we talked a lot, and eventually ended up playing guitar hero
haha and we played with my
abby. i taught
alex how to read tabs, that was fun.
at 11:30 we were on our way to Park City, to go to
Promontory, where we were going to meet the Wrangler that was going to take us on this trail......but he was late, so we called this guy, and long story short we ended up at this nice house for a half an hour screwing around, waiting for the Wrangler guy. he finally got there around 1 and then he asked us to sign our
lives away, (so we could sue him when the horses trampled us)
then he gave us our horses. My horse was the biggest
haha, his name is Johnny, and he was a stud. Alex got to ride
buggs. Scott had Andy, and Aubrey was on Spirit. We went for an hour and a half ride in this big loop and the view was spectacular. I
absolutely love horses now! when
im older, i will have many of them, so if you ever want to ride one, give me a call in about 10 years.
after the horse back ride everyone seemed to be sore but
alex and i. i admit, my knees were a little stiff, but that
wasnt anything a good walk
couldnt fix.
we drove back to
heber and had the girls back home at 3. then
scott and i went to days to pick up our
aliaerg(i tried to spell it but got
frustrated), but my mommy had already picked mine up for me. so
scott got his then we booked it to
KFC, because we were starving like it was our job or something.
haha so i got 5
snackers and 2 tacos, and he got a famous potato bowl.
we went to my house and ate that, then played guitar hero for two hours
hahaha sad i know. At 5 he left and i started getting ready. He came back to pick me up at 5:30 and we drove to
Aubreys house. We get there on time.....and wait 20 minutes
hahaha. i also forgot the
aksbuv in my fridge (
im just going to say flowers from now on) so we had to stop by my house and pick
them up. When we got Alex she was ready and somehow timed it perfectly so that we saw her walk down the stairs. OH MY GOSH.
haha my heart stopped. not even kidding you. she was so breathtaking in her dress. so her sister took pics of us and we did the whole flower thing (the nice people at the days floral department did a little something extra to mine, i think its
cuz i know them. it was a really really nice touch. thanks(although you will never read this)). so we walk out her front door and she catches her dress on a piece of wood and makes a little rip in one of the inner layers. but she
didnt seem to mind mush
cuz she started laughing at it. We got in the Hummer and sped to the high school to get pics, we stood in line and got the little papers that they give you, but we
didnt have enough time to get the actual pictures done.
Right before
promenading i was so nervous, but then i realized that i was making too big of a deal about it and i needed to chill.
right before i was about to start walking it hit me that it is a big deal. this once in a life time experience was seconds away! so i started
panicking haha, but still remembered what i was
supposed to do somehow.
we ended up standing right in front of my parents (
haha cuz i told them whee we would be) and
alex's sister was right there as well.
we had to stand there waiting for all the names to be read off for what seemed like forever, but it was nice
cuz i got my nerves cooled a bit and we both went over the dance in our heads again. we both
couldnt remember the first step worth out lives though, finally it came to me though and that was a very big sigh of relief
we were going to get pictures then, but i had to dance again with
brittany, so we had to wait till after that, but then there was a daddy daughter/mother son dance. and that was nice, but it kinda threw my mom for a loop
after my mom took more pictures and we talked and stuff, then she left and we went and stood in line. then i remembered that we already had the pic papers and we
didnt have to wait in the line. so we skipped that whole nightmare
completely, and went straight to the front of the line. we got our pics done in a good 10 minutes and then had to leave for dinner reservations in PC for 9:00.
arrived at
Cecieros at 9:01
exactly and got a nice booth near the front. i got the salmon. again
mmmmm is all i can say about that. they had a paper coloring thingy and we all colored a lot and played tic-
tac-to. i got my butt kicked...but i really
wasnt paying much attention to it because i was sitting next to the most beautiful girl i have ever met.
we finished dinner and drove back to
heber to dance for the next hour. i seriously have never danced so much in my whole life. it was so much fun. i
didnt, however, get to dance with everyone i wanted to. but i have no regrets of last night, there will be other dances.
at around 11:20 the dance ended so we went to
scotts house and the girls changed into
comfy cloths and
scott and i prepared the pool table. we played pool for about 25 minutes and i would just like it to be known that
alex and i owned souls.
we had the girls home by midnight, and might i just say i
received just about the best hug i have ever
experienced from Alex that night.
Scott and i went to smiths and got some
sobes (it
didnt hit me that we were shopping on
sunday until the next day at about 2pm
haha). then we went home.
prom was honestly the best day of my life. thank you
alex for sharing that
experience with me, i had a blast.
I must say, with all of the amazing things that we did, my entire day was made by
alex saying one
sentence. this also was my favorite mart of the night. she said it a
couple of time throughout the night actually, but none hit me as hard as the last one at the end of the night. when we were playing pool she looked at me and said, "i honestly never want this night to end!" that made my night because
thats all
ive wanted for the last two months of straight working, just to earn the money for that day.
ok, that was my
extremely long day. if you actually read the whole thing,
im impressed. if you actually comment on it, i just might be very happy
Love, Ty Ty