Her smell
Her giant smile
Her gorgous, deep, hazel eyes
Her beautiful blonde hair
Her unforgetable laugh
Her sence of humor
Her ability to make everything fun
Her ability to care like she does
Her huggs
Her laughing at me
Her ability to also be laughed at
Her size; just right to hold very tight
Her trust in me
Her never wanting to bug me, eventhough she knows she never will
Her visiting me at work
Her songs that she dedicated to me
Her adventurous attitude
Her telling me how she feels
Her voice
Her sence in knowing when something is wrong
Her ability to make me instantly happy
Her comfort level with me
Her lying her head on me as we lay on the road
Her giving me butterflys
Songs that remind me of her
Inside jokes with her
Talking with her
Eating with her
Picking up her bill while she is in the bathroom
Sitting on the hill with her
Always thinking of her
Making her happy
Always being there for her
Being the shoulder that she cries on
When she plays with my hair
When she pulls funny faces at me
When she playfully hits me
When she laughs so hard it makes her jump out of her chair
How she is LDS
How she looks up to a missionary for her example
How she makes me want to be a better person
How I quit swearing because of her
How she is just as beautiful in pj's and a danner at 7:30 in the morning
How she knows none of this
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3 years ago
ty ty, you're amazing. its been insanely wonderful to watch you grow up and i love every second of it. but ty ty...tell her. just do it. i love you!
this is a really cute list. i'm impressed...by the way, this is my favorite...not sure why, but i just love it..."Her lying her head on me as we lay on the road"
rasmusson. this is cute. no lie.
rasmusson... even though this is ridiculously cute... you should blog again. jeez. ;)
you already know what i think of this list... im pretty much proud of myself for telling you in person...
i love you...
your randalynn
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