remember when:
we liked eachother, but we were both too shy to ever talk to eachother except for on msn
we blew lighters up
we went to state swimming, instead of school!
we went to the hub and provo at rediculous hours for a saturday morning, and i wouldnt let you pay for anything
i didnt exist for a year and a half......
we watched all of the extended Lord of the Rings movies in one day
we had math together, we never did anything
you invited me in on the first date. hahaha
you would talk to me about everything, you were like my sister
we would do nothing but talk at days, and get paid for it
you shot me with a nail gun
i liked her, and you still put up with me
we played halo for hours!
we "studied" japanese
we actually studied, we still didnt learn anything
we took those "naked" pictures hahaha
we used to be the best of friends, nothing could seperate us
we had Mrs. Lemon in 5th grade, that was the best
we played football
daniel and abby first met
i broke up with her, and all my friends were there for me
we went on midnight jones runs
i broke your brothers leg
we almost blew up that car
we would go off the jump
i was taller then everyone....that was nice
i would ask if i could beat him up for you
you needed a hug, so i ran over right then and we talked for hours
we would play night games!
you introdeced me to eve 6
i came back and killed you at bowling
"i missed your head by like two inches!!!"
we played hall chicken
you jumped that fence in one leap
i ditched you two at lagoon....not my finest moment
we went on a mission to steal that poster
you helped me complete my life
we had a "pretend date", i think that was one of my favorite nights
we watched the wickerman, and then held her down and tickeled her for like two straight hours. thats when i started liking her....
we played straight up at the point
we played straight up at our hill
we played GTA:SA and we ate so much he and i puked
team hannah was neither haha
he cheated on you, i wanted to hurt him
we devoured rediculous ammounts of snackers between the three of us
we tried to make the best mallo
i fell out of your tree house
we were mad at the world, so we went to our spot and screamed RATM lyrics at the city, while blasting it from our car
none of us knew any of us
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3 years ago
i remember. :) i'm glad we're friends. haha. and i'm glad you offer to beat people up for me. i need that for various reasons every once and a while. :)
mucho love.
wow, i am so in love with this list. in fact, next i'm stealing the idea (again) and making one. these were some goooood times :D
haha, i love being part of a lot of these, and yeah thanks for ditching us..just kidding. pretty much anything you did within that year and a half i disregard.
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