i usually refrain from using the phrase 'i told you so' but right now that is just about all that i can think
i told her. she has known for a week or two. i knew that as well.
awkward is the only way to describe it now.
i knew it wouldnt work
whatever, i dont even care anymore. i cant even care anymore
Meredith is awesome
13 years ago
you love her dont lie...
im proud of you for telling her though...
it'll be fine...
i ♥ u.
♥ randalynn
everything will turn out. trust me. then i'll be the one saying i told you so.
blog again already, you gosh dang!
no kidding...go blog, even if it has to be about..pickles or something. Lol. I love tyler.
you have officially gone a whole MONTH without blogging. making you the ultimate blog slacker! i better get to read a fabulous blog from you soon.
^^ what hannah said ^^
love you
Your Randalynn
blaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhg. i mean, blog. lol. i'm going to start leaving lots of annoying comments if you don't blog soon...and that is a threat...
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