Tuesday, July 29, 2008

because everyone else is doing it

OK. because i know you were wondering, here is my schedule of classes. you're welcome. haha

Monday, Wednesday, Friday- math 1050-11:30, Civilization: Humanities- 1:30, English 1010- 2:30
Tuesday- weight training- 8:30, Life Science-1:30
Thursday-weight training-8:30, Math 1050-11:30, Life Science-1:30.

thats all.....
i have quite a bit to blog about for the month of july....but im going to take a nap....just remind me later to blog about the trek, starvation, bear lake, ledgefork, my new macbook/ipod/printer, and how i spent my entire life savings in one day....actually.....that day was today.
anyway...i'm done.


Anonymous said...

holy poo poo batman! he blogged!

:) yay

Roberto Lerma said...

Isn't that why you usually do things?

Haha :P


Victor said...

dude. you need to come over and rape my computer. lol

Leticia Chase said...


umm.. question.. major?

Morgan said...

hey! this is your reminder to blog about everything else.